Kamis, 26 Juli 2018




今日のオンラインマーケティングは、広告会社を保有する最も基本的な方法の1つです。 最低限のコストと労力が必要なため、これは非常に有利なビジネスです。 2017年、UCTワールドコーポレーション(www.uctworld.com)は、BiNeuroシステムのおかげで、Googleのパートナーとして急速に成長している10社に選ばれました。 同社は2009年からBiNeuroの内部バージョンを開発して使用しています。クライアント広告キャンペーンでは、BiNeuroはキャンペーン生産性を少なくとも50%向上させています。


BiNeuroシステムは、UCT World Corporationによって作成されました。アクションのための効果的なparametri.Sutプラットフォームを設定し、維持することがWEB-インターフェイスに変換することによってBiNeuroをスケーリングするとき、それは順番に、小さな広告代理店を許可し、独立することである、いわゆるターゲット画像PPC広告アカウントを作成するニューラルネットワークに基づいており、大規模な顧客向けのオンライン広告キャンペーンを効果的に実施します。


データ科学技術 - データ科学は、デジタル情報の分析、処理および使用の問題を研究します。
ビッグデータ - 大規模なデータ配列で作業を意味し、「ビッグデータ」、の現象。
特異スペクトル分析 - SSA、時系列解析法;
ファジーロジック、ファジー論理 - ファジィ集合の概念に基づいて、
ディシジョンツリー - データ解析の自動方法。

BiNeuroを使用すると、PPCが効率は例87%で50%未満ではなく、これらのパラメータはシステムの経験を成長しているキャンペーンが向上します。 BiNeuroには、神経最適化の機能だけでなく、専門家の評価システムも含まれています。システムは、対象画像で最も成功したキャンペーン、地理的および関連産業のライブラリーを維持し、新しいクライアントがある場合に、BiNeuroはすぐに同様のアルゴリズムに描かれました。インターネットの促進に関する高度な資格の専門家は、年間を通じて100の以下のキャンペーンを開催しないことができるという事実が考慮に入れると、80の以上の000 PPCキャンペーンGoogleの2008年以来費やしてきたBiNeuroは、権利規格用では800歳からのデジタル専門家とみなされます経験! BiNeuroキャンペーン期間中、アカウントに大規模なオンラインストアのための1000の小さな顧客のためのオプションが30万を取り、24時間365日の状況の変化に応答します。比較のために、高品質のデジタルの専門家は、最良の場合40パラメータには、「心に留めておく」ことができ、単一のキャンペーンのために数日のために1時間を捧げます。



•$ 1500 - PPC広告スペシャリスト
•1000ドル - リマーケティングスペシャリスト
•2000ドル - YouTubeプロモーションスペシャリスト
•1000ドル - 広告キャンペーンをモバイルプラットフォームに適用する専門家
•1000ドル - アナリスト
•3000ドル - セキュリティ専門家(PPC広告による詐欺に対する保護)
•$ 1000 - ウェブ開発者



BiNeuroは、だけでなく、PPC、SEOのための技術アウトソーシングの提供を通じて、パートナーは自分のビジネスを構築することができますKMC、SMMなど。等が、また、クライアントを見つけるためにそれらを助け、そのブランドの使用を可能にし、内部および屋外広告に自社のサービスを促進し、また、使用することができます生態系によって提供される他の可能性。 BiNeuroにGoogleを実行しているすべての言語での広告キャンペーンをサポートしており、ユーザーは完全に独立して、システムを動作させることができるので、我々は340社の以上の000の広告代理店やフリーランサー12000000グローバルなインターネットマーケティングは、このプラットフォームのパートナーとなることを期待しています。

BiNeuroエコシステムの開発戦略。 BiNeuroトークン(BNR)を使用すると、

フェーズ1 - 顧客基盤の爆発的な成長
ダイレクト広告主 - ユニークなパフォーマンス指標神経サービスPPCの最適化は、パートナーや顧客からなる顧客ベースのBiNeuroの爆発的な成長につながります。 BiNeuro生態系は、最初に、我々は神経PPC最適化の支払いのための最も基本的な条件を作成し、爆発的な成長の刺激戦略に基づいたサポート神経PPCの最適化のための接続と購読料のための定額料金を請求されます。私たちは、お客様に、伝統的な支払方法の広い範囲でこのサービスのための支払能力を提供(銀行振込、SWIFT、ペイパル、およびTを。)。 BNRトークンは、リクエストに応じてPPC neyrooptimizatsiiサービスの割引価格でのお支払いの内部広告広告ネットワークでのお支払いだけでなく、手段の独占的な手段となります。

フェーズ2 - BiNeuroエコシステムの開発
第2段階では、パートナーはBiNeuroエコシステムの一部となる機会を得ることになります。内部トークンBNR技術やサービスへのアクセスを提供します..:などの専門家、請負業者、ブロガー、オフラインメディア、顧客、BiNeuroエコシステムパートナーは、以下の機能を提供することで自分のビジネスを開発するための最大の機会を作成します - パートナーに加えて、生態系にも参加者が含まれます、BiNeuroエコシステムの評価とプレミアムサービス。 BiNeuroブランドによる共同サービスの屋外広告のためのアフィリエイトプログラムで、新規顧客を獲得することを目的としています。それらは同じ都市(国)にある、または必要に応じて専門的なサービスを提供している場合、生態系のクライアントパートナーサービスや参加をお勧めしますBiNeuroエキスパートシステム - 内部広告BiNeuroのためのアフィリエイトプログラム。エコシステム参加者のための特別なプログラム - オフラインの代理店はエコシステムの顧客にサービスを提供することができます。エキスパートシステムのBiNeuroは、そのサービスを顧客に推奨します。生態系のメンバーのための特別プログラム - 専門家、広告の専門家、PR、オピニオンリーダーは、彼らが仕事を見つけるために、またはそのサービスを販売できるようになります。






著者:alam semesta

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

HeliosCoin, la soluzione migliore che possiamo usare per generare profitti tramite criptovaluta e investimenti minerari.

Il Progetto Helios è un progetto che utilizza la tecnologia Blockchain per fornire il modo più efficiente e rispettoso dell'ambiente per criptovaluta mineraria. La tecnologia Blockchain rende anche questo metodo molto più veloce rispetto all'estrazione corrente. Pertanto, possiamo dire che questo progetto è la soluzione migliore che possiamo usare per generare profitti attraverso criptovaluta e investimenti minerari.

Il progetto Helios è qui solo per rivoluzionare il metodo di scavo della criptovaluta. Con metodi più rispettosi dell'ambiente, i minatori non hanno bisogno di fare affidamento sui combustibili fossili e sull'energia nucleare. Possono anche avere più tempo per fare il processo di estrazione, che dà loro più opportunità di godersi la vita e fare altre attività. Quindi, con questo progetto, è possibile ottenere il movimento per migliorare il mondo e ridurre gli effetti del riscaldamento globale.

In crescita esponenziale, valuta crypto ha portato ad un forte aumento del consumo di energia e la concentrazione delle attività minerarie in paesi con livelli sociali e ambientali sono bassi, dove l'energia elettrica è prodotta principalmente da combustibili fossili.

Peggio ancora, il fatto che la concentrazione delle risorse minerarie in alcune grandi aziende distorcere i processi decisionali democratici in precedenza in questa rete, un cambiamento nel protocollo e dei rischi innegabilmente influenzato dagli interessi economici di alcuni attori.

Helios Mining Ltd. lo sviluppo di un sistema autonomo di cluster per l'estrazione mineraria (Solar Mining Cluster) che può consumare elettricità direttamente da fonti energetiche rinnovabili. Il nostro gruppo costruito su generatori Off-Grid, immergere l'unità di raffreddamento, dotato delle funzioni attrezzature minerarie, di comunicazione e di automazione inerenti alla quarta rivoluzione industriale. Sono completamente indipendenti, supportano il controllo remoto e le rivoluzionarie funzioni del sistema di raffreddamento che consumano circa il 2% del consumo totale del sistema.

Inoltre, questa soluzione high-tech è completamente integrato nel sistema logistico globale esistente e garantire che gli investitori, offriamo singolo scambio accesso globale di crittografia per l'elettricità gratis ovunque si trovino (* nella fascia sole).

#. Autonomia significa che i nostri moduli funzionano a elettricità, che producono da soli. Meno rischi rispetto alle operazioni minerarie tradizionali: i nostri cluster sono in grado di estrarre diversi tipi di criptovalute con diversi algoritmi.

#. La flessibilità del sistema ci consente di riunire due dei settori più importanti della tecnologia blockchain del 21 ° secolo e delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili. Approfittando della crescita esponenziale di entrambi i settori, contribuiamo
conservazione del clima e benessere dei nostri titolari di token. Si tratta di una manifestazione fisica del blockchain spirito - un sistema che è affidabile e decentrata in grado di sopportare gli effetti negativi della politica del governo, e la struttura dei prezzi della fornitura di energia.

Helios Solution Mining Ltd. ha tutti i necessari vantaggi competitivi, segue un approccio decentralizzato e dà diritto ad attività che non sono possibili sotto la concentrazione della capacità mineraria.

Energia solare
Energia rispettosa dell'ambiente e indipendente dall'ambiente per l'industria mineraria. È l'ideale per i paesi con climi caldi. Nessun danno per l'ambiente. Una fonte interna di energia senza usura e perdita di potenza.

Di notte, il calo dei pannelli di energia è la riserva di energia negli accumulatori durante il giorno. Le batterie più recenti hanno un'alta efficienza e una lunga durata.

Raffreddamento ad immersione
La soluzione finale dei problemi con i pannelli di raffreddamento irregolari, l'inquinamento di costosi componenti elettronici, la ventola del rumore e le riparazioni permanenti del sistema. Ricordi che si riscalda costantemente all'inizio del secolo scorso? Il raffreddamento ad immersione è il futuro dell'estrazione mineraria.

Valuta Inteligent
Software appositamente sviluppato nella situazione di mercato in modalità di mining in tempo reale tra diverse valute, ottenendo la massima efficienza di criptomining.

Permette di posizionare sistemi autonomi nei luoghi più convenienti, non importa quanto lontano dalla zona della civiltà, in molti posti allo stesso tempo. Allo stesso tempo, un sistema decentralizzato funzionerà come uno.

Condizioni legali
Il proprietario del sistema non sopporta il rischio di eccessiva regolamentazione da parte dello stato. Il sistema non può essere disconnesso dall'elettricità o da Internet.

I token
L'evento pre-vendita è stato avviato ad aprile. Quindi, l'ICO di gioco si terrà a giugno di quest'anno. In entrambi gli eventi, puoi ottenere token HLC. Su questi eventi, rilasciano 5 milioni di token che puoi ottenere. Al termine dell'evento ICO, è possibile avviare il processo di mining. E, per quelli di voi che hanno token, è possibile accedere alle funzionalità e ai servizi del progetto Helios.

Dettagli del token
Nome token: HLC
Token standard: Ethereum (ERC-20)
Quantità totale di token: 5 milioni di token
Prezzo del gettone al rilascio: 0,001 ETH
Pagamento accettato: BTC, BTH, BTG, LTC, ETH, TRANSFER DI FILI

Token di distribuzione:
Programma di Bounty - 3% di token distribuiti
Team di fondatori -10% alla squadra di fondatori
Riserva - Fondo di riacquisto di riserva del 5%
Collaboratori - 82% dei token emessi


Per ulteriori informazioni, contattare HELIOSCOIN di seguito:

SITO WEB: https://helioss.io/index.html
WHITE PAPER: https://helioss.io/legal/whitepaper.pdf
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/helioscoin_io
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/helioscoin/?_rdc=1&_rdr
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/@CoinHelios
MEDIO: https://medium.com/@HeliosCoin
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3351066

Autore di: alam semesta

Profilo di Bitcointalk:


Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Viva aims to revolutionize an outdated mortgage lending industry.


Viva is a new decentralized home loan financing platform. More specifically, the platform is designed as a mortgage and crowdlending platform that runs directly on blockchain technology. If you go to the company website, then you can contribute or learn more about the system through reading white books.

The Viva platform will use smart contracts for a crowdfund home loan, connecting borrowers and direct investors in a decentralized decentralized ecosystem. Utilizing ultra-secure blockchain transactions, Viva cuts intermediaries, resulting in a more lucrative and efficient lending process for all. Viva allows the free market to determine the interest rate on the borrower's mortgage and eliminates the need for banks and other financial intermediaries. By eliminating inefficiencies in the local financial system, mortgage rates will be more fair and accurate reflecting the level of risk associated with the true value of the asset.

Viva aims to revolutionize an outdated mortgage lending industry by cutting off intermediaries and decentralizing processes, thereby applying financing approaches that are fundamentally more accessible and transparent. We believe that Viva's technology will increase the availability of credit to borrowers and for the first time allow non-institutional investors to participate in consistent returns and backed by assets related to mortgage investments, products traditionally reserved solely for large financial institutions. .

Furthermore, by allowing the free market to dictate the risks and associated values ​​of each mortgage - as opposed to a bank - we hope to see a fairer mortgage. The Viva platform will be utilized by them in developed and developing countries, enabling the world to take major steps towards geographical wealth equality - by breaking down barriers and making both parties better.

Viva's mission is to disrupt the mortgage industry by allowing home buyers and sellers to set their own provisions. Every individual, from any country in the world, will have access to credit financing for home loans through a decentralized open market network on the Viva Platform.

In addition, Viva's function as an investment and savings platform accessible only by mobile means that all Viva users will have access to credit financing, savings and investment accounts, and secure transaction services supported by standard blockchain - regardless of the country in which they live.


This platform is operated on a borderless and decentralized financing company for home loans that have been developed to eliminate the need to rely on intermediaries such as financial institutions and banks and financial intermediaries.

Viva will be used to create new markets in the lending / mortgage industry. The goal is to reduce the inefficiency of the industry while making it more affordable to buy a home.

This is a fist time, Viva allows private investors who are accredited to buy high-value FMS assets (Fractionalized Mortgage Shares). It also helps to innovate applications that have been designed to improve the current state and traditional credit assessment and assessment procedures, often outdated.

Viva is here to be part of the mortgage financing revolution finally here. You can contribute now on the company website. There are many different documents available for the platform, such as: whitepaper, token creation event, terms & conditions, privacy policy, and preview of crowdlending code.

Innovation is the key to Viva, the financial technology used in this system is deliberately used to bring a larger decentralized mortgage to people in the world. The platform initiated smart contracts for the use of home loan financing through crowdsales. And then connect investors with p2p borrowers on a decentralized and unreliable technology platform. Utilizing unparalleled security blockchain is the key to great deals. And by cutting intermediaries like Viva, the lending process becomes more profitable than ever.

The company allows the free market to choose mortgage lending rates for borrowers. The need to own banks or other financial services intermediaries is eliminated through the process and so do local financial institutions. Mortgage rates on mortgage loans will naturally be more fair, reflecting the risks associated with it accurately in line with the true value of the asset.

When the bank failed in 2008, they brought one of the world's first cryptocurrencies and started the process of decentralizing the power of a financial conglomerate. Viva is now looking for ways to complete the process, thus taking all the power of an older, traditional and completely outdated financing system - to leave them in the past, where they have had a very long time.


VIVA Token Sale is divided into two stages:

Initial Contribution Stage
This stage is carried out in three rounds with different bonus amounts.
Main Contribution Stage
The main stage is done in three rounds with each bonus.
The current round is the third round (Pre-Sale) of the Initial Contribution Phase. The Pre-Sale Round in which contributors earn 35% bonus when they invest. The round will be done in 30 days or until a total of 6,870 ETH has been contributed. The exchange rate will be 46,511 VIVA for one Ether.

The details of the VIVA token event are as follows:
Token: VIVA
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Prices at ICO: 1 ETH = 35,714 VIVA
Initial Contributions,
Round 1: 40%
Round 2: 35%
Round 3: 30%
Main Contribution,
Round 1: 25%
Round 2: 15%
Round 3 (depending on amount of investment):
1 to 1.9 ETH: 5%
1.9 to 2.9 ETH: 10%
2.9 to 7 ETH: 15%
Total Token Supply: VIVA
Tokens for sale: 3,000,000,000 VIVA
Accept: ETH
Distributed in ICO: 75%


May 2016
Development of original ideas.

June 2017
Exploration of the blockchain ecosystem to identify appropriate core technologies.

July 2017
High level, service-oriented architecture planning from Viva Platform.

August 2017
Exploration data and feasibility analysis.

November 2017
Developing Real Value 1.0 Home Appraisal Algorithm.

Q1 & Q2 - 2018
Launch of Generation Token Events and MVP development. Start a large-scale marketing campaign.

Q3 - 2018
Develop 2.0 Real Value Application. Get legal and regulatory licenses.

Q4 - 2018
Launch the Real Value 2.0 application. Finalization of the exclusive ML algorithm.

Q1 - 2019
Start the gradual launch of the Viva Network Platform.

Q2 - 2019
Launch Viva Network Platform and successfully raise the first home loan with the Viva mortgage financing system.




WEBSITE: http://www.vivanetwork.org/
WHITEPAPER: http://www.vivanetwork.org/pdf/whitepaper.pdf
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3430485.0;all

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/TheVivaNetwork
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/VivaNetworkOfficial/
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Wearethevivanetwork

Forum Username: alam semesta
Forum Profile Link:
MY ETHER: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9

Minggu, 22 Juli 2018

GSC Aviation provides solutions tailored to the airline's business leverage and logistics services

gsc cover.jpg


GSC Aviation provides solutions tailored to the airline's business leverage and logistics services to get a better internal supply chain process. Thereby reforming more than 50% from the main day to the buyer's working day. This will enable them to realize scale savings and expand their competitive advantage by using their logistics / purchases for higher value-added tasks.

Current aircraft manufacturers will likely operate with hundreds to thousands of suppliers and different ranges of better half in different industries to produce the technology, applications, platforms and services needed for modern aircraft.
Lack of spare parts and the depletion of spare parts and fleet supply services are difficult and expensive. This post is compounded by the reduced number of subcontractors and suppliers approved by aviation government agencies. These problems create limitations of endless limits for the airways in their maintenance process.

Goal tracking based on the GSC Aviation blockchain in combination with the available scheme will unify the notebook and ensure the honor of parts of the industry until the end of their life cycle, thus increasing the flight hit.

The goal of GSC Aviation is to remove this belief by offering a system that will help collect the appropriate sequence on the equipment using blockchain technology. In addition to securing the information in blockchain, the GSC platform will allow real time alerts to MROs, Continuing Airworthiness Management Organizations, and air hoses on different aeronautical parts of the worried aircraft.

GSC Aviation Partners new announcement with AVINOC to bring Comprehensive Chain Block Solutions for the Aviation Industry

The AVINOC Block chain stand enables air hose to free themselves from the market power of booking platforms and general allotment scheme (GDS). These mediators are responsible for an in transparent and highly intricate airline airline ticketing the classification, to the harm of airline business and travelers. clients are faced with hidden costs and unclear contractual constituent parts, different ticket prices for the same flight offered, sometimes without the airline business information. Airline are actual fully stretched exploitation booking platforms, electronic bot responsible for the ability under-utilization and undercover work by competitors through scorn bookings.

AVINOC creates new concepts to manage the Aviation Line and provides innovative solutions for airline ticketing and the general aviation line of work. Effortless direct booking, time liberation and empowerment of the traveler through lower come in the ticket and flight prices, as well as toll decrease for airways and operators, are the measures that should be recognized again for the future of the Aviation business.

Benefit Of the Project

providing aviation companies with required components of aircrafts which are depleting and aging aircrafts.

Helps consumers to know about the airline and helps in booking tickets with lower prices and no hidden charges.

Providing participants with a complex of manufacturers and suppliers of transactions, reliable data and self-executing contracts, without the need for a inner trusted party, thus reducing cost and increasing competence.

The recording of data, transactions, records or contracts in a protected and enduring way so that they are fully noticeable and auditable in genuine time.



For More Information Please Visit us on:

Author: alam semesta
BTT profile Username:

my etherwallet address: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9

At MPCX, they believe that diversification and transparency are key factors in investment growth

Screen Shot 2018-07-11 at 2.47.40 AM.pngAt MPCX, they believe that diversification and transparency are key factors in long-term investment growth and successful communication with investors. During the first phase of development, we offer some unique in-house DWM products made in-house for innovative investors. By creating three investment driven crypto indexes, we will offer solutions for investors to enhance portfolio diversification, efficiency, and return.

MPCX is a blockchain-driven digital financial services platform. Our long-term goal is to combine all the crypto financial services into one place. MPCX is designed to serve individual needs in the areas of digital wealth management, currency exchange and commerce, digital banking, crypto research and ICO promotion, and crypto loans.

Unique MPCX products are designed for our clients including Investable Crypto Index and Digital Intelligent Investment Mandate. At MPCX we apply a holistic approach. We will combine all crypto services into one place, will create internal blockchain solutions for digital wealth management, currency exchange and commerce, digital banking and then expand our expertise into traditional, classless assets. We have decided to start with Wealth Crypto Digital Management Platform to manage the portfolio of crypto assets from innovative investors.

MPCX Solution: MPCX Platform: We will implement the following ecosystem

In the short term, MPCX will create a blockchain driven decentralized ecosystem to manage innovative investors' portfolios of crypto assets. MPCX Platform to service the market opportunities.

MPCX can leverage the competitive advantage, its team and founders 45 "+" years of experience, expertise and client relationships in finance, and to offer unique products tailored to our clients.

Project Team:

Token Details:
The XDMC Token will be a functional tool for using the MPCX Platform. The XDMC token will be used to pay for services within the platform. Once the XDMC Token becomes liquid and popular, it will be used as the internal currency for our banking services. At MPCX, we believe that the wisdom of the crowd is contribute to the common reality of the community and are reasonably rewarded for that contribution.

XDMC Token
Price 1 XDMC = 0,0002338 ETH
Platform Waves
Receive BTC, ETH, LTC
Minimum investment 0.1 ETH
Soft cap 100 ETH
Hard cap 40.000 ETH
Great Britain
Whitelist Whitelist / KYC

MPCX will create an innovative investor portfolio of crypto assets. MPCX Platform to serve the market opportunity. MPCX has a significant competitive advantage in which the team and its founders have more than 45 years of experience in finance. The resulting expertise and client relationships provide MPCX the opportunity to offer unique products tailored to our clients.


Important links: -
Website: https://mpcx.co
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gKlwCkRAS_2y3gqyda_DfoZayHw-Qfe9/view
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/HKzpNxMFbX0HYo9-BScO6A
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MPCXPlatform
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MPCXPlatform
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3443279
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3465606

ETH: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9
USER NAME: alam semesta

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Mozo is a leader in Indoor Positioning System (IPS) technology, having successful results


Mozo is a leader in Indoor Positioning System (IPS) technology, having had successful results with leading Chinese mall operators, Wanda Group and 361 °, one of China's leading athletic clothing retailers. Strategic partnerships with industry leaders Wanda China, Suntec Singapore, and DCG Korea, put Mozo at the forefront of the retail industry in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and Korea. With already 38,000 places committed to implementing Mozo, we up to 300,000 places will implement Mozo for the next three years. Our goal is to be a no. 1 for the global retail market.

Mozo works by using a "smart contract" associated with retail activity. This smart contract is made between reseller smartphones or IoT devices (like Beacons) and consumer smartphones as they detect their respective devices. Smartphone smartphones and consumer smartphones can receive and process transactions under consumer orders. In other words, the Mozo contract is a transaction created by a user who transfers control commands between user devices, user users, or user systems. Therefore, we make a smart contract in which the object of the smart contract is to process transactions on the blockchain network.

Before using Mozo, users and devices must first be registered with the Mozo System and blockchain network through authentication procedures. If the device (such as Beacon or Sticker) is difficult to enroll by itself, the administrator must first identify the unique ID (UUID) of the device and register the device. After that, the seller's seller must associate the device with the product that reseller wants to sell. The method to identify the device in the case of Beacon or Sticker is to use a Bluetooth scanner, which will return the device's unique ID. However, if this does not happen, the tool must have unique response information so that the device can be automatically disconnected from the blockchain network and reported to the administrator whenever it has been tampered with. This is to protect the interests of retailers and consumers.

If the user is a consumer, the consumer will download the App from Google Play or the App Store or scan the QR code that is displayed prominently at participating stores. Mozo applications include digital wallets that support the Ethereum ERC-20 and ERC-223 token types. Only authorized users, through two-factor authentication, will be able to access the blockchain network. Unique IDs can be unique phone numbers, email addresses, or passwords (biometric authentication can be added). Verification is done via SMS or email. The UUID or MAC address on the phone is also unique, but they will not be available if the user loses his phone or buys a new phone. So, UUID and MAC address can only be used temporarily. In the Mozo system, we prefer to use email addresses or phone numbers.

Sales Token

Fixed Supply of Five Billion (5,000,000,000) Mozilla Tokens will be created for Mozo Project operations.

After that, no further tokens will be created. Of the total supply of Mozo tokens (ERC-20 type), the distribution is as follows:


25% (or 1,250,000,000 tokens) will be sold to the public in two (2) stages:

The first phase of the 700 million tokens will be sold for US $ 0.09 each, in personal sales, beginning on May 8, 2018 to July 10, 2018, and sales crowd from July 11, 2018 to July 18, 2018. This hard hat tranche will be US $ 42 million.

The second and final phase of the 550 million Mozilla tokens will be sold for a minimum of $ 0.12, targeted for Q4 2018. The hard limit of this phase will be US $ 46 million.

The total hard cap for two (2) tranches is US $ 88 million.

Details of these offers, schedules and bonuses can be found on our website at www.mozocoin.io

50% (or 2,500,000,000 tokens) will be allocated to the Mozo Finance Ministry for merchants & mall acquisitions

For the initial reward with titled to download APP Mozo. We plan to use this Treasury Merchant to support consumer airdrop for the 38,000 retail stores are already committed to this whitepaper date, and to grow our Merchant base to 300,000 retail stores and 800 malls globally over the next three years.
25% (or 1,250,000,000 tokens) will be allocated to the Mozo Foundation (granted for two years), and Advisor, Partner & Broker (vested over 6 months).

The Foundation includes our founders, existing technical staff who built and will build Mozo software version 1.0, 2.1 and new technical staff who will be hired to build Mozo 3.0, 4.0 and so on. Advisors, Partners, & Brokers are the retail, finance, and technologists of our hoist in assisting us throughout the Mozo Project. Included in the Advisory list are ICO advisers who assists us to the completion of ICO. Partners are those who have a strategic relationship with Males and Merchants with Project Mozo. Brokers are those who help us in our presale activities.

1st Tranche

Hard Cap: US $ 42 Million
Number of Tokens to be sold: 700 Million
Token Price: US $ 0.09
Distribution Method: Presale and Crowdsale
Time period

May 8, 2018 to July 10, 2018
July 11, 2018 to July 18, 2018
Distribution of non-sold Tokens Redistributed proportionally to 1st Tranche buyers.

2nd Tranche

Hard Cap: US $ 46 Million
Number of Tokens to be sold: 550 Million
Token Price: US $ 0.12
Distribution Method: Just crowdsale
Time period
Crowdsale: Targeted for Q4 2018

Bonus Crowdsale

20% Best Deal
50 ETH / 5 BTC or more in one transaction
10% Popular
1 ETH / 0.1 BTC or more in a single transaction
No Bonuses

0.1 ETH / 0.01 BTC or more in a single transaction

Use of results

Assuming the fundraising objectives are achieved, we plan to use the following results:

Description of the Cost Allocation

Research & Development 30% Development costs include developers of blockchains, application developers, machine learning data scientists, and UX / UI specialists.

Sales & Marketing 40% Marketing costs including promotion of Mozo operations,

acquisition of retailers, market outreach, strong social media presence, regional marketing efforts. Operating 30% Finance, accounting, recruiting new talent, providing operational support, public relations, staff and administration training, and professional fees Total 100%


Providing you the main links and contacts of the project:

THANK YOU FOR READING AND Always choose only the best!

BTT username: alam semesta

BTT profile link:

ETH: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9

Rabu, 18 Juli 2018


Humancoin is a breakthrough blockchain project, which unites philanthropic and recipient on a single platform in the most convenient and transparent way.

Humancoin is a revolutionary platform that turns the philanthropic industry into a specially designed benefit for working alongside the e-commerce and crypto market, which together has a total value of 3.5 trillion dollars!

Humancoin's unique feature
=> This is the first blockchain project that can be a global loyalty program aggregator for e-commerce
=> Associations with philanthropy provide tokens with a unique advantage in developing loyalty programs with partners that create strong emotions of resonance
=> Instead of competing with existing programs, the Humancoin token is easily integrated into existing systems - all it takes is conversion rate settings

Problem: lack of trust
Solution: Humancoin is a good currency

How it works

How it works

The platform provides an opportunity to fully monitor online donations, as well as to select and evaluate projects and charities along with other functions

There is also the opportunity to receive a receipt for each donation to be used for tax deduction purposes, depending on the tax jurisdiction of the donor

Future project expansion will be financed 5% - from the funds collected for the charity project, which is 4 times lower than the average

Fund of Humanity

Current sales
3,055,000,000 ERC20 Humancoins is available
All unsold tokens will be burned
The price of one token is $ 0.01.
Minimum purchase is 0.1 ETH

July 1st - August 15th
Expected to receive 1 million dollars. United States of America

Current sales
September 15 - November 1st
Softcap - 6 million dollars
Hardcap - $ 26 million

Sales bonus for sale 3 055 000 000
Pre-sales: 50% bonus - 150 000 000
Tokens for Sale Phase 1: 35% bonus - 945 000 000
Current sales. Stage 2: bonus 20% - 960,000,000
Tokens for Sale Phase 3: 0% bonus - 1 000 000 000

Token distribution

The team behind the project

Giles Gailer-CEO

The person responsible for making the team work together as a Swiss watch is Giles Gailer, with his previous involvement in international strategic business development, he has enough experience to take this project to the end. He's also a charity-driven runner in his spare time.

His team consists of 7 members and 7 advisors, all with prior experience in their own field of expertise.


Website: https://www.humancoin.net/
Whitepaper: http://docs.humancoin.net/HumanCoin_whitepaper_en.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4469466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Human-Coin-1049107488575656
Twitter: https://twitter.com/humancoinnet
Telegram: https://t.me/HumancoinChat

author on behalf of: alam semesta
bitcointalk profile:
eth address wallet: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

BENEFITS (ETHL) Ethereum Limited

Ethereum Limited is a smart contracting platform. We noticed that not everyone has the ability to write smart contracts because it requires some level of programming skill so we decided to make it easier for everyone to make smart contracts.

Taking advantage of the decentralized nature of the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum Limited does not have to worry about the security of its user data.

Due to the creation of Ethereum Limited Ecosystem, people who need smart contracts will flock to the Ethereum network - making it more successful. Lower transaction costs, faster turnover, automation and immutability are just some of the benefits we offer.



Blockchain Technology
Advanced Security System
Multicurrency Coins
Accept Fiat & Crypto
Secure Internal Wallet
No Contract, No Fees


1,000,000 Tokens

5.000.000 Token

$ 0.70 to $ 1.50 TOKEN DISTRIBUTION

Pre-Sales and CrowdSale


Bounty Campaign

Team Development and Backup


> April: Project Begins
> June - August: Conceptualization and Planning
> October - November: Research
> December: Development

> January: Blockchain Beta Test
February: Implementation and Implementation
> March: System Analysis
> April: Fixed the Bug
> May: Security Penetration & Debugging Test
> June: Airdrop
> July: PRE-ICO
> August: ICO Crowdsale
> October: Registered CoinMarketCap
> December: Wallet Release

February: Additional External Exchange
> September: 1 ETHL = 1 ETH

For More Information, Visit At:


AUTHOR: alam semesta

Bitcointalk profile:

MY ETH: 0x48d4046C142202c12415823C2A654106215024E9

Bitcoin Origin - это платформа, которая использует блоки для решения проблем, напрямую связанных с пользователями. присоединиться к нам

Что такое Bitcoin Basic?

Bitcoin Origin - это платформа, которая использует блоки для решения проблем, напрямую связанных с пользователями, и поскольку многие программы лояльности используют плохо применяемые программы и оценки лояльности, компании имеют повышенную ответственность. Bitcoin Origin объединяет очки в BitTrain Token Asli (ORI) и предоставляет пользователям программы лояльности. Для самой низкой стоимости с максимальной безопасностью. Независимо от надежности и низких транзакционных издержек, Bitcine использует технологию блочных блоков для устранения Origin Median, которая предоставляет пользователям и партнерам более разумные результаты.

Прежде чем обсуждать больше о происхождении биткойнов, я расскажу вам, что в мире «кривовалюта». Hard-fork - это условие, когда разработчик монеты соглашается применить новую функцию или превратить ее в систему программирования монет. Цель hard-fork - улучшить безопасность монетных сетей и оптимизировать количество пользователей, которые продолжают расти. Трудный случай вилка, что когда-либо происходило, в 2016 году, DAO был взломан на atherium платформе, то команда разработчиков Etherium работала и сделала новый ultokine под названием atherium (ETH) и сделала старую монету под названием классического atherium (и т.д.). , Еще один пример, в 2017 году, делается на базовой сети биткинов с жесткой вилкой, что приводит к разделению цепей и становится новым сверхзвуком, называемым Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Bitcine Origin - это глобальная и децентрализованная платформа, используемая для управления кумулятивными пунктами и программами лояльности. Анализ большого количества различных программ верности с использованием точек, разработчики не получают хороших приложений. Это привело к прямым потерям для пользователей, а также к программе лояльности, которая не была успешно реализована и не увеличивала обязательства компании.
Bitcine обеспечивает решение этой проблемы с использованием встроенных методов блокировки. Из-за низких транзакционных издержек и высокой безопасности биткуина преобразует исходный счет в токены биткинов (ori) и предоставляет программы лояльности пользователей.

Каковы особенности происхождения биткойнов?
Существует 5 специализаций, предоставляемых широко используемым генезисом Бите

1. Многоуровневая
Многоуровневая функция, которая позволяет вычислять масштаб по сравнению с жесткой вилкой.

2. Многострановая страна
Пользователи могут использовать свои оригинальные маркеры в виде блоков затрат и вознаграждений, каждый со своей собственной экосистемой, подкрепленной собственным именем, виртуальной машиной и генезисом битокаина.

3. Перекрестная цепь
Bitcoin Origin разработал маркер, основанный на ethereum, позволяющий token-конвертеру ethereum быть родным токеном с многогосударственной машиной.

4. Пособие на пособие
Сообщество Bitcoin Origin, которое имеет акции токенов ORI, может выбрать. И запустите кампанию и будете вознаграждены в соответствии с кампанией.

5. Блокировать без сервера
Благодаря сетевым технологиям, разработанным Bitakowin Origin, все члены сообщества имеют возможность представить блок-цепь без собственных серверов. Этот блокнон является частью Network Validator (Посол) от Bitcoin Origin.

Какие проблемы существуют для завершения проекта?

Ниже приведены выявленные проблемы. Увеличение корпоративных обязательств: неиспользованные суммы отражаются как обязательства. Поскольку клиентские пункты используются меньше, корпоративные обязательства становятся более важными и негативно влияют на их финансовую оценку. Плохая производительность программы лояльности: это связано с низким использованием номеров, компании не могут ожидать повышения производительности программы лояльности. Положите социальные издержки, такие как производительность и плохой бизнес.

Сложность контрольных точек: ваше среднее число назначается в 29 разных точках, что затрудняет контроль пунктов и приводит к тому, что точки заканчиваются. Преимущества, предоставляемые этим форумом Как пользователи, так и предприятия могут воспользоваться оригинальной платформой Bitcoin. Пользователи могут выкупить свои очки за биткойн Origin Token (ORI) или использовать свои очки в точке магазина. Чтобы получить конкретные объявления от заинтересованных компаний, пользователи получают доступ к рекламным акциям через рекламный канал.

Биткойн Оригинальный кошелек позволяет одновременно управлять несколькими партнерами одновременно. Компании имеют доступ к большему числу клиентов, что позволяет им сразу же продавать свои продукты в закладки. Модель обмена Биткойн от Bitcoin помогает компаниям эффективно сокращать свои обязательства. Партнеры могут поощрять большую лояльность к потенциальным клиентам с использованием битуаных и основных приманок для магазина.
Token bitokin tokens предназначены для совместимости с маркерами ERC 20 на платформе australium и используются для блокировки технологии. Целевая группа Bitcoin Origin - это авиакомпания, туристическое агентство, лидер на рынке и интернет-магазин по всему миру. Благодаря таким преимуществам Bitcoin Origins будет контролировать миллиарды долларов на мировых рынках на основе сложных, безопасных и эффективных барьерных технологий.


Траншейный выпуск и белый список

Чтобы обеспечить биологическое развитие, Bitcoin будет выпущен в повседневной структуре и предотвратит появление китов или крупных организаций из маркеров ORI, которые не загружаются на партнерские биржи. Чтобы претендовать на токены вашего биткойн-источника, держатели биткойнов, кэш-биткойн, эфир, световой конус и тире, потребуют белого списка, используя наш простой в использовании инструмент заявки.

Происхождение биткойна самофинансируется

Опытная команда разработчиков биткойнов происхождения убеждена в этом проекте и тем самым сдерживает свой капитал. Происхождение Биткойна полностью финансировалось дома, и для этого проекта нет схемы ICO.

Дорожная карта

Январь - июнь 2017 года
Горные проблемы возникают из-за использования «грязной» электроэнергии, централизации ресурсов горнодобывающей промышленности и низкой рентабельности в горнодобывающей промышленности. PoW * - появилась оригинальная идея Биткойна.

Июль - сентябрь 2017 г.
Биткойн собирает оригинальные команды - разработчики, дизайнеры, генеральные менеджеры, менеджеры проектов, сотрудники PR, поддержка * * Сотрудники и агенты Call-центра.

Октябрь - декабрь 2017 г.
Позиционный документ завершен

Январь - март 2018 г.
Доказательство концепции инфраструктуры PoA
Доказательство концепции многоканальных приложений
Веб-сайт заполнен

Апрель - июнь 2018 года
Технический документ завершен
Безопасное партнерство для полного аудита безопасности
Общественный зал
Настройка команды поддержки клиентов
Завершение и совершенствование инфраструктуры для запуска Биткойна Genesis
Настройки кампании Bounty
Подготовка запуска маркера ERC 20 на многих биржах
Некоторые полные проверки кода о происхождении биткойна (бесплатно и дома)

Июль - сентябрь 2018 г.
Запуск TestNet
Полный узел
Полные карманы
Световые рубцы
Мобильный кошелек
Инструмент заявки
Bitcine Original Fund начал работу над проектами на основе склепа

Октябрь - декабрь 2018 г.
Mennet Launch
Биткойнская базовая конференция
Повышенная масштабируемость
Начало биткойн начинает оценивать проекты некоммерческой прибыли
Биткойн начал работать на платформе образования Фонда национального образования

Январь - март 2019 г.
Форум Фонда Развития Сообщества - Разрешить сообществам хранить и предоставлять корректирующие протоколы
Платформа финансирования сообщества ICO

Больше подробностей:

ВЕБ-САЙТ: https://bitcoinorigin.io/
ТЕЛЕГРАММА: https://t.me/BitcoinOriginHQ

Автор: alam semesta


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